About Me

Hi! I am currently in my second year studying a bachelors of mathematics and computer sciences at the University of Adelaide. I love exploring new concepts and technologies related to my degree. I am an inquisitive thinker who always rises up to a challenge whether it be in code debugging, algorithm optimisation or multivariable calculus. I have professional experience in GUI testing with Squish and also as a maths tutor where I have realised a love for sharing my knowledge to help others learn.


My education

I graduated highschool at the end of 2022 and achieved a raw ATAR of 99.35. Now I am thoroughly immersed in my bachelors in mathematical and computer sciences at the University of Adelaide with a 6.75/7 GPA. Alongside my studies I have indulged in many passion projects, please view them below!

Agriculture Game

I worked in a team to create a farm simulator game called Farmville using SFML graphics library and C++. This game allows users to simulate farm life including the planting and harvesting of crops, raising of animals, and selling/buying products on a market.


Implementing Ray Casting

A passion project to explore 3D computer graphics from the ground up, I made a ray caster from scratch in C using a simple graphics library called Minilibx. I used vector equations to calculate values for normals, lines, angles that are required for determining appropriate values of colour and shade. The program renders objects and supports camera movement.


C++ Binomial Pricing Model

This project implements the Cox Ross Reubenstein model, a binomial options pricing model. It calculates the premium of call and put options based on user-defined parameters like share price, strike price, number of time steps, up factor, down factor, and the risk-free return rate.


Height Map Viewer

I created a height map viewer to view terrain using MATLAB. The program recieves height information as .txt files and does matrix rotation calculations to output an isometric projection of the height map.


Contact me

Please reach out to me through my Linkedin or Email. I frequently check my inbox and will reply within a day. Thank you.